Пятница, 24.01.2025, 05:44

 100% owners of the grain!!! We Work with 100% L/C at sight and T/T payment !                                                                                               
Меню для России

Export - Import

Accredited on

Accredited on

Accredited in


        Russian Grain company RUSSIAN TRADE ORGANIZATION / RTO offers corn of Russian origin in the following varieties:

  • corn 2 class

   The Russian Trade Organization has its own grain Elevator in Russia and accumulates up to 200 000 tonnes of maize in the period from 10 September to 20 October of each year.

   Sent railway wagons in the CIS and EURASEC, as well as transshipping and loading in the ports of Novorossiysk (Black sea) and Astrakhan (Caspian sea).

  Russian Trade Organization is a permanent exporter of corn in the CIS countries and Asia.

  Regular Customers always have a discount system for the following supplies of grain.






 +7 925 974 80 23

 +7 495 740 88 19

Keep staying with us:

График работы

с 09:30 до 18:00 пн.-пт.

09:30 am - 06:00 pm

Новороссийск - Кавказ
Novorossiysk - Kavkaz

в порту

Representation in the port


Work with

Under Control

Presidential Executive Office

Grain Trade Organization © 2015-2021

Рейтинг Российская Торговая Организация, ООО. Деловая сеть Тверь и Тверская область. АгроПоиск - аграрная поисковая система Русская Торговая Организация, ООО. ООО "Российская Торговая Организация" Доска объявлений металлоизделий
Русская Торговая Организация
PulsCen.ruСахар в Твери
Русская Торговая Организация, ООО. Деловая сеть Санкт-Петербург и Ленинградская область. рекомендует